Call for contributors for #LABICCR

14 de junio de 2019

The Civic Innovation project of the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), with the support of the  Costa Rican government and the EARTH University, open this call for the registration of contributors who want to help develop the projects selected for the Civic Innovation Laboratory – Costa Rica (LABIC.CR) that will take place in Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, from October 29th to November 10th, 2019.

This laboratory seeks new proposals and innovative solutions that generate social and environmental benefits. The projects will be developed collaboratively by multidisciplinary and intercultural teams, in collaboration with local communities and collectives.

This LABIC.CR will have the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the Nansen Centre For Peace and Dialogue, Medialab-Prado, Silo – arte e Latitude RuralInstituto Procomum, and Njambre.

Registration is free and will be open until July 28, 2019.

For all the above, we open this international call to anyone interested in participating as contributors in one of the projects described below:


Name Acualab
Author Oscar Javier Pérez Nastar
Description The aim of the project is to develop a portable low-cost filter for personal use as a means to improve water purification in regions with limited access to drinking water.

The filter, which will eliminate pollutants from water making it fit for human consumption, would be developed in three modalities: 1. With digital manufacturing technologies (3D printing) 2. Through the use of easily available plastic waste; 3. With organic materials. The filtering of the water for its purification will be done using low cost materials free of chemicals such as bio-sand and activated carbon. These, capture the toxins and produce water that is totally safe to drink, cook, wash food, etc.

The project suggests the inclusion of the local communities affected by the lack of potable water in the developing of the prototype, as well as in the necessary identification of the different sources of water for local consumption.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -Product or industrial designers
-Designers with expertise in digital manufacturing technologies (3D printing, CAD modelling)
-Graphic designers, with previous knowledge of social projects and local communities’ involvement and methodologies based in the human being.
-A social communicator or multimedia production expert
-A sociologist: Project´s documentation, knowledge of processes and methodologies of work and immersion in local communities. (Preferably from the local area and with contacts in the environmental groups)
-A social worker: To manage the working environment with the community and facilitate the exchange of know how. Should have knowledge of social methodologies too.
-An environmental engineer: With expertise in potable water, water resources and technologies related to water issues.
A community leader from Guanacaste: A local leader to facilitate the access and the work with the local community, willing to help and see the project through.


Name Earthworms bio-filter for wastewater
Author Arturo Cañogo Ríos
Description The aim of the project is to create a filter using earthworms to decontaminate wastewater in communities without proper sanitation.

The project proposes the installation of earthworm filters to clean wastewater and reuse it. These filters use earthworms as well as mealy bugs and other organisms present in the natural environment, which naturally decompose organic material and generate a humus layer that becomes a bio-filter membrane. Decontamination of wastewater guarantees sufficient sanitation to communities where proper sanitary drainage doesn´t exist. This project will contribute to curtail pollution and to reduce infection points, as well as to eliminate the dumping of pollutants into the groundwater reserves.

This project wants to respond to the global water crisis in the world. According to the SDG 6, at least 892 million people continue with the unhealthy practise of open defecation and 6 out of 10 people live without safely managed sanitation services. Also, 80% of wastewater is poured back directly into water reserves.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -A perm culturist. With expertise in environmental design, clean agriculture and integrated water resources management.
-An expert plumber or/and pipe installation fixer.
-People who work in the rural sector; peasants, farmers, etc who could benefit from this technology.
-A project manager. With expertise in environmental project managing and eager to work in the rural environment.
– A forest engineer. With a keen interest in bioremediation and wastewater management through natural resources and technologies.
-A biologist. Devoted to sustainable development, the good use of natural resources and committed to bioremediation and eco technology.
-An environmental activist. People working on environmental projects in rural communities and interested in sanitation and clean water management.
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience.


Name Ecomorfosis
Author Camila Picco
Description The aim of this project is to construct multipurpose insulating panels made out of recycled plastic and organic waste to generate sustainable ventures.

One million plastic bottles are purchased in the world every minute, and the majority of them end up in the sea or in waste depots. It´s estimated that this figure will grow 20% by 2021.

The Ecomorfosis project consists in recycling bottles and other plastics (PLA, PP) combining them with organic waste (sawdust, plaster, etc.), to generate strong insulating panels with an in set and modular design. The panels will have a variety of uses (in construction, toys, furniture, shelters, etc). During the lab, this project – as well as producing the panels- wants to connect with students from technical colleges or co-ops to promote sustainable eco-friendly ventures, in order to generate a circular economy.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -An industrial designer
-A mechanical engineer
-A mechanical technician, electro mechanic and/or builder
-A chemical engineer or technician
-An environmental engineer
-A graphic designer
-A materials engineer, preferably with experience with polymers.
-A teacher from technical colleges in Costa Rica, preferably from Guanacaste
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience


Name Biodegradable Electronics
Author Elisabeth Lorenzi Fernández
Description The aim of this project is to create bioplastics with organic materials that can be used in the construction of electronics and as a substitute to synthetic plastics.

The advance in technologies has seen an increase in the use of synthetic plastics. Given that those type of plastics pose an environmental threat, there is a trend to create alternative plastic materials made out of natural elements such as animal protein (collagen), algae, bacteria, fungi and flours (starch).

This project will use this new technology of the bio plastics to build simple electronics. We will develop organic conductor plastic materials (made out of a mix of bio polymers with salt and vegetal carbon) aiming at less resistance and more durable materials. We´ll explore the combination of conductive and nonconductive materials based on bio plastics to create circuits. We will work of the creation of chemical batteries or solar cells. We will propose electronics based on sustainability, inclusion and open access criteria.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -An electronics expert.
-An Arduino programmer.
-People with cooking knowledge.
-People with expertise in the creation of biopolymers.
-A digital design and manufacturing.
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience
-Chemists with experience in organic chemistry.
-People with artistic and plastic ability.


Name Light emanating from plants
Author Germán Mueses
Description This is a project that aims at building a system that emits light using energy emanating from the plant´s own photosynthesis process.

The innovative aspect of this project is that this lamp uses bacteria/microorganisms to work. The nutrients from the plant combine in the earth with some microorganisms, generating electrons. This specific type of bacteria generates electricity from the electrons produced during the metabolising of the nutrients.

With this project we will not only produce electricity, but we will also gather it and store it in electrodes inserted in the floor. In areas of poor accessibility, this could become an alternative clean form of energy to replace fossil sources or to complement insufficient resources.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -A DIY expert.
-An electrical engineer.
-An environmental engineer with knowledge of renewable energies.
-An industrial designer.
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience.
-A graphic designer.
-An Arduino expert.
-A biologist with botanic expertise.


Name Intelligent bees´ hotel
Author Ronny Castillo
Description The aim of this project is to build shelters to protect pollinating bees that will also serve as a low-cost weather station to control pollution.

One of the effects of air pollution in the cities is that it diminishes the presence of pollinators (Insects or animals which transport pollen from plant to plant contributing to the reproduction of plants and conservation of crops). Hotel de abejas (bees) is a project of civic science that proposes the creation of shelters to protect and promote the presence of these pollinators, adding monitoring mechanisms to identify the species, their number and behaviour. These kinds of shelters usually attract the more solitary type of bee, the type most needed to pollinate and most at danger in the cities.

In addition, the hotel will be equipped with sensors allowing it to become a weather and environment station able to generate specific details such as if the CO2 emissions targets -let´s say near a school- are being respected or not. All the information provided by the hotel will be geographically referenced, accessible and available in a platform for students, scientists and the public in general.

Profile of contributors to be selected -A person who works with open data.
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience
-A scientist
-A biologist.
-A programmer with expertise in Raspberry pi and Pyton systems.
-A programmer with experience in digital platforms
-An educator.


Name Maritime orchard
Author Lorena Bohórquez Cuesta
Description The aim of this project is to build a low-cost system to extract, transport and desalinate sea water to use it for crop irrigation.

The project proposes to utilise the sea water as an alternative hydric resource to irrigate family orchards structured in containers using simple and easily available materials. The process will have three steps:

1- Extraction of the sea water and store it in 20 litres portable containers (inspired by roller type containers developed in dessert areas). These mechanisms will allow the water to be easily transported to the orchards.

2- Utilising the kinetic energy generated by a bicycle, the water is pumped through a filter formed by layers of sand, rocks, vegetal carbon and brick.

3- From the filter, the water reaches the containers where the orchard´s plants grow, structured in terraces. The water moves from container to container being absorbed by capillarity so that the orchard´s soil acts itself as a filter catching the salts that might have escaped the initial filtering.

This system can easily be replicated in maritime communities and it protects the water and land ecosystems, promoting an agriculture that doesn´t depend on the availability of terrains apt for crops.

More info here & here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -An agronomist with expertise in organic crops.
-An agricultural or forest engineer.
-A biologist.
-A environmental engineer or ecologist with expertise in water and maritime resources management.
-A mechanical engineer.
-A designer with experiences in the construction of bicycle machines.
-Graphic designer
-Web programmer
-Social communicator with multimedia production experience


Name Environmental memory for climate action
Author Daniela Quiróz Orguin
Description The aim of this project is to create a platform that exposes how climate change is affecting specific communities in Latin American countries, and to display the state of implementation of the Paris agreement in those countries. This will allow to establish a relation between the state on implementation of the agreements and the way it is affecting people, in order to generate an increase awareness about climate action.

Since the 2015, Paris Agreement, countries established Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to combat climate crisis, and more specifically to prevent the global temperature to raise more than 1,5-2 degrees Celsius by 2100. According to the Climate Action Tracker efforts in this field have not been enough, and none of the six Latin American countries evaluated have fulfilled their obligations under the agreement.

In 2020 new NDCs will be established and so it is important to have a tool that facilitates in real-time the effects that climate change in having on specific populations.

The project Environmental memory for climate action proposes the creation of a virtual platform that exposes how climate change is affecting specific communities in Latin American countries, through the voices of the people directly affected. To gather first-hand testimonies and experiences, the project will organise workshops in the communities. The platform will then compare that information with the level of implementation of the NDCs in the area. This information and process will help create awareness in order to aim for more ambitious goals when the new 2020 NDCs are set.

During the lab in Costa Rica, we not only will design the platform but will also initiate the meetings with local communities, which will then spread throughout the continent by a citizen´s network.

Profile of contributors to be selected -Experts in audio-visual communications (2): With experience in audio-visual recording and editing. They will be in charge of recording the sessions of collective memories and producing clips to promote the events.
-A methodologist: Versed in civic participation methodologies.
-A graphic designer: to develop the project. Preferably with web design knowledge.
-A web app developer: To work on the digital platform. Ideally with expertise in developing civic technologies and knowledge of Ruby on Rails and the use of relational databases.
-Environmentalists (2): With experience in research and technical knowledge about climate change in order to investigate the current NDCs in Latin America.
-Sociologists or similar (2): With proven regional experience in Latin America .


Name Pollinator Friendly
Author María de los Ángeles Mora Noguera
Description The aim of the project is to create a network of gardens in Guanacaste fostering pollinating species as a strategy to preserve the natural biodiversity (plants and animals).

Due to climate change, pollution and loss of habitat, many natural pollinators are disappearing, generating one of the most severe problems agriculture confronts today. A problem too affecting all ecosystems and the local fauna that also needs certain vegetables to survive.

This project wants to contribute to the global effort to save pollinators everywhere. The proposal is to create a network of friendly gardens in Guanacaste fostering local pollinators. The project will include an application that will provide information about all the different gardens and that can be used as an instructional platform. It is important to understand that 75% of the food crops rely upon pollination and so this project will benefit not only the pollinators but the communities and the crops. Pollinator Friendly is also a strategy to preserve native species that are invaluable for the animal and plant biodiversity.

Pollination constitutes a fundamental process for the survival of natural land ecosystems and the production of food crops. Without the pollinators, it would simply become impossible to produce a large number of food items that human beings require to have a balance diet.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -A gardener, expert in gardening and local plant nurseries.
-A landscape architect or similar to help design the gardens with a scenic view as well as promote the best use of space.
-An environmental activist or conservationist
-A biologist
-A forest engineer
-A computer programmer
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience


Name Guardian Turtle
Author Ricardo Guimarães
Description Design and construction of a floating submersible drone able to identify and quantify microplastics in the marine reserves.

The presence of micro-plastics in the oceans is an increasing threat to marine ecosystems. Studies say that there are about 4.000 million microscopic pieces of plastic in one marine square kilometre. The Guardian turtle will be a floating submersible drone (ROV) based on the robotic design BEAM (Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics and Mechanics) of a marine turtle, able to read physical and chemical parameters on the marine environment and detect micro plastics in the sea.

The physical structure will be a combination of nautical techniques, spectrometers and 3D printing. The Guardian turtle presents itself as a tool to reduce injuries not only in turtles but also in other marine species who live and feed in the region where the drones would be launched.

Through physiochemical sensors, the drone will be able to detect threats and create alerts (through a WIFI network): oil leaks, hydrogen content, electrical conductivity, barometric pressure, solar impact and UV INDEX, delivering an accurate reading of marine health as well as providing information to collect the microplastics detected.

More info here.

Profile of contributors to be selected -Designers who work with 3D printing in open technologies;
-People with knowledge of protocol MQTT of IoT;
-People with knowledge of drones from ROV;
-Ecologists, green activists
-A social communicator with multimedia production experience

Access BASES of the call and register at #LABICCR !!


90 people will be selected to participate in the development of 10 projects previously selected in an open call. The work teams will be formed by the project promoter, 9 contributors and will have the continuous support of a mentoring team, technical specialists and local mediators.

1.1. Registrations and publication of results

Anyone interested in participating as contributors in the LABIC.CR must complete and submit the form found below. Registration is free.

Opening date: July 8th, 2019

Closing date: July 28th, 2019

Publication of names of people selected: August 12th, 2019

Results will be published on the Civic Innovation website.

1.2. Civic Innovation

We define Civic Innovation as a process of solving social problems with open techniques and methodologies (these being digital, social or ancestral) that formulates innovative practises with the participation of the concerned local community. This definition implies that the people cease to be passive recipients of institutional action, to become players and creators of their own choices, through an empowerment process. A process that is very democratic (from the bottom up), very resilient as it is based on a learning by doing and trial and error method, and more importantly, much more flexible and efficient than any other as it includes the knowledge of the affected communities.

1.3. What is a LABIC?[1]

Civic Innovation Labs (LABIC) are spaces created to experiment, standardise and streamline those spontaneous innovations emerging from the people that have the ability to transform situations and the potential to be replicated in other places.

The LABIC operate over 12 days with the gathering of multidisciplinary teams of people from diverse backgrounds. This makes the lab a space for the production of projects developed in a collaborative way from the people to the people, generating a space of intercultural coexistence.

This will be the LABIC´s sixth edition; the previous ones took place in Veracruz, Mexico in 2014; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2015; Cartagena, Colombia in 2016; Pasto, Colombia in 2018; and Rosario, Argentina in 2018. In each edition, the LABIC adjusts to the context where it takes place and to the main theme of the Lab.

1.4. The people participating in the LABIC

1.5. The LABIC and the SDGs

On this occasion, the LABIC wants to contribute to the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to climate change and environment from a civic society point of view.

What are the SGDs? On 25th September 2015, 193 countries adopted a set of 17 global objectives to eliminate poverty, protect the planet and guarantee everyone´s prosperity as part of a new sustainable development agenda to be implemented over the following 15 years. The interesting part of the SGDs agenda is that not only governments and institutions can contribute to it, but people can also bring their ideas. For that reason, this civic innovation lab is focusing on eight of those goals that must serve as the inspiration for the specific proposals that should inform the projects:



[1]Originally, the LABIC followed the production workshop format developed by the Medialab-Prado, but throughout the five editions we have adapted and incorporated innovations.


2.1. Aims of the call

 The aim of this call is to select a total of 90 people to collaboratively develop the ten civic innovation lab projects previously selected through an open call.

This call is directed to any person interested in the selected projects, regardless of the candidate´s level of training, expertise or experience. Examples of applicants could be environmentalists, ecologists, biologists, engineers, sociologists, architects, geologists, town planners, educationists, programmers, psychologists, journalists, ICT experts, graphic designers, artists, cultural managers, protectors of ancestral cultural traditions, community leaders or any other interested person. We specially call on youth organisations, afro-descendants, members of indigenous communities, women, people from rural and fishing areas, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTI community, and others to submit their proposals.

2.2. The role of the contributors

The role of the contributor is to help develop the project bringing in their knowledge and expertise. Once selected, the candidate will work in collaboration with eight other contributors and the project´s promoter throughout the LABIC in order to achieve the best possible result in developing the specific project.

This is a very rewarding experience for those participating in the lab, who not only have the opportunity to help develop an innovative and unique project but also the chance of working closely and learning from people of different countries, cultures and communities, as well as experiencing different realities.

At the end of the Lab, the names of all the contributors along with that of the promoter will be included in the final credits. The SEGIB will also issue a certificate for all those participating in the LABIC who request it.

2.3. General features of the laboratory

 The teams will work on developing their proposals during the LABIC.CR. Although the lab has an established timetable, each group needs to manage their work schedule, their priorities, the way they operate internally and their material resources. The teams will operate in a collaborative and horizontal manner and will be supported by a group of mentors (specialists in the topics to work on and with experience in the labs), technical experts (in programming and electronics), and local facilitators (who connect the projects with the local communities).

If none of the team members have any connection to the local community, the organisers will help them get in touch.  The collaboration with local organisations and collectives is crucial for the participants to confront real situations on the ground and in order to meet the beneficiaries of the project.

The working day will extend over mornings and afternoons, and it will adapt to the specific needs of the projects as well as the activities and timetable of the event venue. On this occasion, the place that will host the LABIC is a center with various spaces, located 10 km from the city of Liberia in a natural environment.

Although the working language is mostly Spanish, LABIC is a multicultural meeting point so by its nature multilingual, and communication is fluid.

While the LABIC.CR takes place, there will be a number of other activities such as talks, presentations, seminars, or workshops opened to both the participants and the locals.

The working schedule during the LABIC.CR will be as follows:

Before the lab, the organisation will put all the team members in contact with each other so that they can plan, exchange information and materials and advance any preparatory work to be developed during the event.

2.4. Accommodation, transport and meals

From October 29th to November 10th, the organisers will cover the accommodation and meals.

The accommodation will be in shared rooms, of maximum 3 people, in a hotel in the city of Liberia, close to the venue where laboratory activities will take place

The organisers will not cover the travelling costs (to Guanacaste and back to own country/city of origin). But they will take care of the transport from the San Jose airport to the hotel in Liberia, Guanacaste, on October 29th at different times and from the hotel to the airport on November 10th.

Contributors must fund their own journeys to and from Guanacaste. Public or private institutions can finance the contributor´s travel costs (in these cases, the institutions involved can give the participant a letter stating their sponsorship and their financial support for the LABIC.CR). Also, if an institution funds the travelling costs one of the contributors, the organisers will allow the inclusion of the institution´s brand as a collaborating agency in all the documents and website.

If and when needed, the organisers will plan and finance the daily transportation to the Lab´s venue from the hotel for the participant groups, as well as any visits to the local communities involved with the event.

The selected contributors who are not residents of Costa Rica must have a valid travel health insurance and will need to find out about the visa requirements for their nationality. You can check (here).

Please keep into consideration that the Costa Rican authorities demand an International Certificate of Yellow Fever vaccination for visitors coming from Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Guyana. This certificate will also be compulsory for any traveller who has transited for more than 12 hours at an airport in any of the mentioned countries. The vaccination should have been administered at least 10 days before the journey.


3.1. Selection committee

The selection committee will be formed by the SEGIB´s Civic Innovation team, with the support of the project´s promoters.

3.2. Criteria for the selection of candidates

 For the selection of the contributors, the committee will consider:

– Adjustment of the candidate´s profile to the profiles needed for the projects

– Degree of motivation;

– Availability;

– Diversity of origin and ethnicity will be valued and gender balanced kept into consideration.

– Also, each team will have a contributor who will be in charge primarily of documenting the processes and work dynamics and its results, as well as of communicating externally through digital platforms and social media, etc

.3.3. Promotion and continuity of projects

The developed projects will be publicly presented by the promoters and the contributors on the last day of the lab.

The full documentation on the projects will be published on the organisers’ website in order to share the knowledge generated.

The organisation will study the viability of escalating and replicating the projects after the lab.

3.4. Obligations of the successful candidates

  • The successful candidates will commit themselves to attending the lab every day from October 29th to November 10th,
  • The teams also commit to facilitate all the project´s documentation that could allow its replicability.
  • The selected participants will be allowed to use all the equipment and material previously requested and allocated to them. Any unforeseen or not approved expense pertaining the material or the rental of equipment will have to be covered by the authors of the project.
  • The finished projects will be under free licenses and we suggest to use the Share-Alike type (for example, in Creative Commons, it would be the BY-SA licence). At LABIC, we promote knowledge that is open and shared, as our intention is to replicate the projects and escalate them in different regions, so that they can benefit more people.
  • All participants must respect the LABIC’s ethic code and rules of co-existence (see below).

3.5. Legal disclaimer

The organisation is not responsible for the information or data used by participants. The organisation is not responsible either for any copyright infringement, affecting third parties, according to the laws of their respective countries.

The LABIC.CR is an event that takes place over several days. Therefore, we appeal to the individual responsibility of each participant throughout the lab. The organisation will not be responsible for any thefts, losses, or personal injuries.

The LABIC.CR does not offer any financial remuneration to the participants, in the understanding that the lab is a space for collaboration and contribution to the common good.

 3.6. Interpretation and modification of this call´s terms

The members of the committee can make any modifications, adaptations or clarifications that they consider pertinent.

Any circumstance not covered in this call will be resolved by the committee. The decisions, rating and results are not subject to appeal.

3.7. Ethic code and rules of co-existence at LABIC

  1.   We focus on collaboration not competition.
  2. Ideas are valuable on their own, not because of who formulates them. We don´t promote gurus, but the common good.
  3.  We defend the rights to information, knowledge and participation. Dialogue and free exchange of ideas guide our activities.
  4.  At the LABIC we promote free licences and open information repositories for transparency and to spread knowledge.
  5.  We do not accept hate speech or any kind of discrimination for reasons of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, social stand, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and origin.


Who can register as contributor in this laboratory?

Any person over 18 years of age from anywhere in the world who wants to be part of a team contributing with his/her knowledge and ideas to develop the selected proposals, while at the same time learning from the rest of the team, the lab´s mentors and the local communities.

What does the laboratory offer to those participating as contributors?

A unique multicultural environment to learn in a collaborative way, where people find a space to help build more sustainable communities and contribute to care for our planet. The contributor´s names will be included in the final project´s documents. And also, the Civic Innovation Project of the SEGIB will facilitate those who request it an official certificate documenting their participation in the laboratory. The team will also have the opportunity of presenting their work in a public forum during the lab and the contributor will certainly gain an important professional and personal network.

What is my commitment registering as a contributor?

The selected contributors will commit to develop those parts of the projects assigned to them, according to their profile and interests. They also will have to attend the lab´s sessions daily and respect the LABIC ethic code and rules of co-existence.

What do the organisers cover?

The organisers cover your accommodation and all your meals (full board); also, your local journeys to the communities (managed by the laboratory).  The organisers do not cover travel costs from other cities or other countries, except for the journeys to and from San José airport on arrival (October 29th) and on departure (November 10th).

Can an Institution, or a private company or entity finance my travel costs to the Laboratory?

 Yes. In fact, the organisers can provide a certificate for the entity involved stating their participation in the lab. And also, they will allow for the entity´s brand logo to appear in all the documentation regarding the celebration and the results of the laboratory.

Where can I find information about the projects in which I can collaborate?

In the summary of selected projects and in the LABIC.CR´s website.

How would the teams be established?

The teams will be formed with the publication of the successful contributors. From that point, the organisers will put the members of the teams in touch so that they can start coordinating online and exchanging materials before the laboratory.

What´s the lab´s schedule?

The lab´s schedule is very busy and intense, but the teams will agree on their own timetable according to their needs and availability. It´s intense and the work generally covers the full day. There are also other programmed activities and some improvised presentations, workshops, debates and parties. The activities will normally start at 19.00 h on October 29th and finish on the night of November 9th. The participants will leave on November 10th.

Can I choose the project I want to collaborate with?

Yes, you can choose the project you want to be part of.

Is it possible to collaborate with several projects simultaneously?

Yes, as long as you can cope with the schedule and the project’s needs allow you to. But our advice is to concentrate in only one project. Time flies and it´s only two weeks!

Can I take part if I can´t stay for the full two weeks of the laboratory?

We recommend full attendance and availability because the work during the lab is very intense. Remember that full availability is one of the main criteria in the selection process.



Taking part in this call means you accept all the rules and contents.


For further questions: [email protected]